Lucid Stories take complex, technical reports and give them clarity.

We gather and distil qualatative and quantitative data and use that data to create an engaging, logical narrative. Our "scrollytelling" sites take users through the story at their own pace and allow them to focus on the aspects that are of importance to them by giving them the ability to interact with and filter the information to suit themselves.

We make our stories relatable and personal by including case studies as video interviews or through text and photos.


Our services can cover everything required to develop a thorough evaluation of a program and present it in an engaging scrollytelling site. They fit into four broad categories:

  • Data collection
  • Content creation
  • Data visualisation
  • Web development.

Scroll down for more information on each.

Collecting the data

MERI reports

Lucid Stories has particular expertise in producing Monitoring, Evaluation, Reporting and Improvement (MERI) reports. These reports give clients a solid basis for evaluation and improvement over time and, along with relevant data collected from other sources, form the basis of our narrative.


We conduct workshops with relevant stakeholders, then collate and distil the results into a coherent plan. We extract the key findings and present them clearly and succinctly in a written report that informs the MERI.

External data

Along with the data compiled through the MERI process, we source data from publicly-available sources to complement our understanding of the program.

Content creation


We take our findings and dot points from the client and turn them into a logical, coherent story that resonates with users.


Using highly-credentialled, professional photographers we take still and video images that lend a sense of place to our narratives.


First-hand experience of the impacts of a program give authenticity and empathy to our sites. We are able to plan and deliver incisive interviews that make the experience relatable. They are professionally shot from multiple angles with excellent sound quality.

Video editing

We edit, title and subtitle our raw footage into publication-ready videos. We can also include animation where it adds to the story.

Data visualisation

Maps and charts

Data can be presented in a variety of ways, which we determine by their relevance to the story. These include maps, charts and infographics. Users are able to filter the data to view these visualisations for their specific interests or region.

Live data

All of our sites can receive live data, allowing clients to keep their sites current, either manually or automatically.

Database design

We design databases and create custom content management systems to allow clients to add and update their data.


By rearranging the same elements to suit different parameters as users scroll, we are able to greatly increase understanding of how different datapoints interact.

Web development

Elegant design

We use professional web UI and UX designers to ensure that users have an intuitive experience that does not distract from the story.


All our sites are responsive and mobile-first, meaning that they're quick to load and easy to navigate.


We maintain our sites for the life of the program, keeping technology up-to-date and ensuring that the sites remain relevant as times change.